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Collaboration with our partners – Zodiac Galleys USA

Collaboration with our partners – Zodiac Galleys USA

We at Phoenix Engineering Technologies (PET) firmly believe that a strong partnership begins with good communication between two partnering entities. All our activities are driven by this very philosophy which ensures clarity of intent and smooth execution of plans to realize the true potential of our engineering collaboration with Zodiac Galleys USA (ZGUS).

Our idea of working together involves healthy interactions on a frequent basis with our partner ZGUS, both in person and remotely. We ensure a productive collaboration by having our engineers and leaders visit our partners at ZGUS at their site in the US for a few weeks to help gain a better understanding of the process and the people as well. Similarly, we also have engineersand leaders from ZGUS visiting us in India and familiarizing themselves with the culture, the people and the processes at PET.

We had the opportunity to welcome Vasu Ayithi the Director of Engineering at ZGUS to our facility in late September. Our engineers and the leadership got a chance to discuss with Vasu ways of improving on our commitment to deliver with the best quality on time. Around the same time we also had the pleasure of inviting Amit Sangani from the Certification team at ZGUS. The Certification team at PET benefited immensely through discussions with Amit on a wide range of topics in Stress and Flammability.

In the 2nd week of October, we were pleased to have Bobby Lo, a Senior Engineering Manager and Daniel Alford, an Electrical Engineering Manager visit us from ZGUS and engage in elaborate discussions on a variety of topics covering design of Galleys both from a Mechanical Engineering and an Electrical Engineering perspective.

In the 2nd half of October we had the pleasure of welcoming Neil Doherty, an experienced Mechanical Design Engineer to visit us and spend time discussing multiple aspects of Galley Design. Neil brings with him significant experience in the aerospace industry and engages large groups of our engineers in discussions centred around efficient Design methodologies and techniques aimed at producing error-free drawings.

We at PET are thankful to our partners for their visits since they are able to share numerous experiences and suggestions towards improving the partnership and establishing stronger engineering ties that will ensure a very productive relationship between the two companies. Their visits also enable us at PET to discuss our concerns and necessities in detail and to improve our functioning by assuming greater responsibilities.

We’ve had an amazing journey with ZGUS so far and are looking forward to achieving a lot more together in our quest for a true goal of engineering excellence.

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